To find us in Lignano Sabbiadoro, follow the map at the bottom of the page or print this map
GPS Coordinates: Longitude 45.688798 – Latitude 13.143693
By car: take the A4 Venezia-Trieste motorway, exit at Latisana, then follow State Road 354.
By train: on the Venice-Trieste railway line, get off at Latisana station (about 20 km from Lignano). On the Venice-Tarvisio railway line, get off at Udine station (about 60 km from Lignano).
By bus: our hotel is very close to the SAF bus stop in Piazza Fontana
By plane: Ronchi dei Legionari (GO) Airport is about 70 km from Lignano; Marco Polo di Tessera (VE) Airport is about 95 km from Lignano.
By boat: we are not far from the tourist ports of Marina Punta Faro and Porto Vecchio.